We provide manufacturer recommended cleaning procedures using soft bristle brushes and super purified water to ensure the peak performance of your solar panels. We are based out of North San Diego County, and provide service all of Southern California both residential and commercially.

Why is solar panel cleaning important?

  • Up to 30% efficiency is lost when dirty.
  • Rain will not remove dust, bird droppings, and leaves.
  • Regular solar panel cleaning will maintain the highest levels of energy PRODUCTION

Pure water solar panel cleaning

Solar panel cleaning method – Using a water fed brush we brush and agitate the dirt, suspending the dirt in the water solution which is then rinsed away. This process is repeated until the panels are left clean.

Safe for your panels – Solar panels are relatively fragile. You cannot stand, lean, or put much pressure on them. Our long telescopic poles with soft brush heads safely clean the panels while not applying too much pressure. Because we do not use chemicals or detergent there is no risk of chemical damage to the solar panels. And we do not use high pressure either, like with a pressure washer, since this can cause substantial damage. Finally, we use a method that does not quickly lower the temperature of the panels, which can crack and break them.

Environmentally friendly – You are obviously environmentally friendly conscious and we are also concerned about the environment. That is why we use pure water, eliminating the need for detergents or chemicals. Additionally, we conserve water with our technology, which uses only a small fraction of the water typically used to hose down solar panels.

Solar panel maintenance lengthens the lifespan of your system – Dirt and grime deteriorate and shorten the lifespan of glass and rubber seals. Pure water washes away damaging dirt and leaves nothing that can shorten the lifespan of the solar panels.